The CWMS Server and Database Software and their configurations are usually the responsibility of your CWMS Administrator and the notes provided in the following link were prepared for them.  However, all CWMS users should have an understanding of what software is running on your servers so it always good to learn about what your CWMS Admins are dealing with. 

Administrators, please review the various notes described in the section below.  After you have read the release notes and you are ready to upgrade run the following 

  1. Log into your server as the 'cwp' user or 'cwt' user (if you are using test account)
  2. StopCWMS/CWP (if wish to be thorough can follow-up with 'ps -ef | grep java' and verify no CWMS processes remain)

  3. cd /wm/yyy/localsoft (where 'yyy' is your 3-letter District code)

  4. remove existing cwms link
  5. rm cwms
  6. ln -sf /wm/wmsoft/cwms/v3.3.0.230629 cwms
  7. BootCWMS/CWP
  8. checkServers


Schema version

HEC would like to ensure sites running CWMS 3.3.0 are on Schema 23.03.16.

Server Files


Login server for process shefit data streams can be defined individually in the file.  i.e if you have a datastream call CEMVP_GOES that uses processSHEFIT you can define a login server


If a login serer is not defined the data stream will grab the login server from loginServerUrl.00. 

*****Make sure that loginServerUrl.00 ends with /LoginServer in the file i.e.


You will get an error in processSHEFIT.dy. log files stating that "ERROR // isn't an RmiLogin Server" if you do not have the LoginServer tag after the IP:Port.  

If you get the following error after starting up your data stream.  

11:55:32:processSHEFIT:06Jul2023 11:55:32 SEVERE: ProcessCriteria.readCriteria Error reading Criteria Record from criteria: shefit-mbrfc.list. Shef Record key is: SBDW4.QI.CZZ.0. Error is: java.sql.SQLException: Cannot create connections . There are no available connections: oracle.ucp.NoAvailableConnectionsException

please add the following to your file:


StartDBI is no longer needed in the startup scripts.  The below can be removed or commented out.  

# Start the DBI interface to Oracle
/bin/echo +++ Starting Dbi
$CWMS_EXE/bin/startDbi                        >> $OUTFILE 2>> $ERRFILE


All calls to stopDBi can also be removed from the stop script. The below can be removed or commented out.

# Stop the DBI interface to Oracle
/bin/echo +++ Stoping Dbi


the only parameters needed in the file are the following

  • cwms.dbi.ConnectUsingUrl=
  • cwms.dbi.OfficeId=

all other properties are no longer used.  You can comment them out in the file.

can remove/comment out reference to validate-transform.server.url. The below text can be commented out.

### Location of Validation/Transforation (V/T) server

USGS update ratings script

A new version of is needed for 3.3.0.  The older version will error out. Please download the new version from

Retired Programs


cwmsdb jar retired and not longer available.  If you have server side scripts that use the following:

from cwmsdb import CwmsTsJdbc

replace functionality with DBAPI.  

Repgen 4 (and before) deprecated

Repgen 3 and 4 are no longer included. If you still require these you can snag the binaries from a previous CWMS install while you transition. However zero support can be provided. We longer have infrastructure setup to build these. If you're desperate we can maybe provide source, but you'll be on your own.

Repgen 5

Is now included.

Report issues directly to

To convert repgen4 reports automatically go to and download the two files.

The convert itself isn't perfect but should get you 90% there.

Currently it does not handle DSS files. Support can be added but it is preferred to move away from DSS for reporting.

Warning about parameters_units.def

Scripts on the server may show warnings that include a stack trace regarding the absence of $CWMS_HOME/config/db/definitions/parameters_units.def.   This file allows customized definitions on a system.  Since default definitions are built into CWMS, absence of the file is not a problem (unless your office actually requires custom definitions).   

INFO: Reading parameter resource file from file system: {} Apr 12, 2021 2:07:05 PM validate
WARNING: Error reading parameter resource file input stream /wm/xxx/yyyyyyy/config/db/definitions/parameters_units.def (No such file or directory)
        at Method)

        . . . 

The ugly logging has been updated