The text widget allows you to denote notes to add detail the configuration.  The text block uses HTML which also allows you to input webpage references as well as format any text (see table below for some basic HTML formatting).  The text widget can be added to the dashboard by selecting "File" in the main ribbon, clicking on "add widget", and then choosing the "Text Block" option.

To modify the text block, right click on the text block tab (in the above example, it is labeled "Text Block 1") and select "properties".  This will open the "Properties Editor" as shown in Figure 1.  The editor allows you to change the tab name and the text that is displayed.  For any item that is wished to be modified, click on the "..." box on the right side. The "Tab Name" option modifies the name of the display tab while the "Display Text" is the text that is displayed within the text block.

DescriptionMicrosoft WordHTMLHTML ExampleResults
Bold TextBold (Ctrl+b)<b> </b><b> HTML Example </b>HTML Example
Italicizes TextItalic (Ctrl+i)<i> </i><i> HTML Example </i>HTML Example
Subscripted TextSubscript (Crtl+=)<sub> </sub>H<sub>2</sub>OH2O
Superscripted TextSuperscript (Crtl+Shift++)<sup> </sup>R<sup>2</sup>R2
Underline/inserted TextUnderline (Ctrl+u)<ins> </ins><ins> HTML Example </ins>HTML Example
Strikethrough/Deleted TextStrikthrough<del> </del><del> HTML Example </del>HTML Example
Highlighted TextText Highlight Color<mark> </mark><mark> HTML Example </mark>HTML Example
Line Break(Enter)<br>HTML <br> Example



Specific for CAVI DashbaordResult
$FORECAST$Will display the current Forecast name.
$WATERSHED$Will display the current watershed name.