Create a HEC-ResSim Alternative
A HEC-ResSim model alternative consists of a watershed schematic, stream and reservoir network, and a set of operations for each reservoir. Within a HEC-ResSim alternative, you can override simulated forecasted releases to mimic desired operation during the forecast period. If the HEC-ResSim project contains more than one network alternative (for summer and winter conditions, for instance), you can build HEC-ResSim model alternatives around each of them.
Import an HEC-ResSim Watershed
To import an HEC-ResSim watershed:
- From the HEC-RTS main window, click on the Setup module, from the Models menu, point to Import, click ResSim and the Import Type dialog (Figure 1) opens.
- To import an HEC-ResSim watershed (stream alignment, network, configurations, and alternatives), click Watershed. The Select Watershed File to Import From will open.
- Browse to the location of the HEC-ResSim watershed you want to import. Select an HEC-ResSim watershed file (.wksp), click *Open. The Select Watershed File to Import From browser will close and the import will automatically begin. An Import Progress dialog opens indicating that the import is occurring.
- The Import Progress dialog closes automatically once the import is complete and a Message window will display letting you know that the import is complete, save your HEC-RTS study.
- Save the watershed
Import an HEC-ResSim Alternative
To import an HEC-ResSim alternative:
- From the HEC-RTS main window, click on the Setup module, from the Models menu, point to Import, click ResSim, the Import Type dialog (Figure 1) opens.
- Click Alternative, the Import Alternative Wizard (Figure 2) opens.
- To select an HEC-ResSim watershed, to the right of the Watershed File box (Figure 2), click
. An Open File browser will open, browse to the location of the HEC-ResSim watershed you want to import. Select a HEC-ResSim watershed file (.wksp), click *OK. The Open File browser will close and the location of the selected HEC-ReSim watershed is displayed in the Watershed File box.
- Click Next, select an HEC-ResSim alternative from the Available Alternatives table.
- Click Next, if you want you can change the name of the selected HEC-ResSim alternative by entering a name in the Name field.
- Click Next, if you want you can change the name of the selected HEC-ResSim reservoir network by entering a name in the Name field.
- Click Next, the elements associated with the HEC-ResSim reservoir network are displayed along with stream assignments. Review this table, if you find any "To Stream" assignments that are incorrect, from the To Stream column in the table, select the correct stream assignment from the list.
- Click Next, the elements associated with the HEC-ResSim reservoir network are displayed along with computation point assignments. Review this table, if you find any "Watershed Computation Point" assignments that are incorrect, from the Watershed Computation Point column in the table, select the correct computation point assignment from the list.\
- Click Next, review the Import Summary, to make sure that everything is correct. If needed, you can copy or print the summary.
- Click Finish, a Continue with Import window will display asking you if you wish to continue with the import operation. Click Yes, the Continue with Import window will close, and the HEC-ResSim import of an alternative will proceed. Once the import is finished, save your HEC-RTS watershed.
Edit a HEC-ResSim Alternative
To edit a HEC-ResSim alternative:
- From the HEC-RTS main window, click on the Setup module, from the Watershed Tree, from the Models folder, expand the ResSim node (Figure 3). This provides you with a list of all the available HEC-ResSim alternatives for this HEC-RTS study.
- Right-click on a HEC-ResSim alternative, from the shortcut menu (Figure 3), click Edit Alternatives, the ResSim Alternative Editor opens (Figure 4).
- Edit the HEC-ResSim alternative as desired. For further information on how to modify an HEC-ResSim alternatives, refer to the HEC-ResSim User's Manual.
- To save your changes, from the Alternative menu (Figure 4), click Save.
- To close the ResSim Alternative Editor. From the Alternative menu, click Close, the ResSim Alternative Editor will close.
Copy a HEC-ResSim Alternative
To copy a HEC-ResSim alternative:
- From the HEC-RTS main window, click on the Setup module, from the Watershed Tree, from the Models folder, expand the ResSim node (Figure 3). This provides you with a list of all the available HEC-ResSim alternatives for this watershed.
- Right-click on an HEC-ResSim alternative, from the shortcut menu (Figure 3), click Edit Alternatives, the ResSim Alternative Editor opens (Figure 4).
- From the Alternative menu (Figure 4), click Save As, the Save As dialog (Figure 5) opens.
- Enter an alternative name in the Name field (required) and a description in Description field (optional).
- Click OK, the Save As dialog closes. The new alternative is displayed in the HEC-ResSim Alternative Editor.
- To close the ResSim Alternative Editor. From the Alternative menu, click Close, the ResSim Alternative Editor will close.
Delete an HEC-ResSim Alternative
To delete an HEC-ResSim alternative:
- From the HEC-RTS main window, click on the Setup module, from the Watershed Tree, from the Models folder, expand the ResSim node (Figure 3). This provides you with a list of all the available HEC-ResSim alternatives for this watershed.
- Right-click on an HEC-ResSim alternative the you want to delete, from the shortcut menu (Figure 19.40), click Edit Alternatives, the ResSim Alternative Editor opens (Figure 4).
- From the Alternative menu (Figure 4), click Delete, a Warning window will display asking you if you really want to delete the selected HEC-ResSim alternative. Click Yes, the HEC-ResSim Alternative will no longer display in the ResSim Alternative Editor.
- To close the ResSim Alternative Editor. From the Alternative menu, click Close, the ResSim Alternative Editor will close.