HEC-DSS can store generic arrays of data for general use. An array can be an integer array, a float array, or a double array. The array size can be of any length, from one element long to as many as memory will allow.
Arrays are passed in an "ArrayContainer", using the class "HecDssArray" to read and write from DSS. There are no absolute conventions for an array pathname, but it is recommended to follow other conventions as much as possible:
/ Group Name/Location Name/Parameter/Date/Undefined/Version/
Only one array can be used or stored in an ArrayContainer. Generally, the type of array that is stored is determined by checking for the existence of each array, although the data type can be checked too.
The primary functions for HecDssArray are:
Functions for HecDssArray
public int setDSSFileName (String dssFileName)
public int write (ArrayContainer arrayContainer)
public int read(ArrayContainer arrayContainer)
public void done()
Where zero (0) is returned on a successful call and a negative value for unsuccessful. Do not reuse objects or containers; create a new one for every write or read.
The primary functions for ArrayContainer are:
Functions for ArrayContainer
public void setIntArray(int[] iarray)
public void setFloatArray(float[] farray)
public void setDoubleArray(double[] darray)
public boolean isIntArray()
public boolean isFloatArray()
public boolean isDoubleArray()
public int[] getIntArray()
public float[] getFloatArray()
public double[] getDoubleArray()
If a function is called that does not match the array type, null is returned.