A DSS catalog is a list of the pathnames in a DSS file. In version 7, the catalog is part of the internal table structure, whereas in version 6, the catalog was saved as a separate file with the extension .dsc.
Obtaining a catalog takes significant resources, especially if the catalog is to be sorted. Use catalog functions sparingly; refrain from searching the catalog for a pathname. It is much more efficient to check for its existence using the function recordExists(String pathname). In version 7, the catalog is pre-sorted; when a sort is performed, the sort order is saved and used as a basis for the next sort to make cataloging more efficient.
HecDssCatalog is inherited by HecDataManager, so although the following functions live in HecDssCatalog, we will refer them using the parent class HecDataMangager
Basic catalog functions:

Basic Catalog Functions

public String[] getCatalog(boolean sorted, String pathWithWildChars);

public CondensedReference[] getCondensedCatalog(String pathWithWildChars);

public int catalogFile(String catalogName, boolean sorted, String pathWithWildChars);

public String[] readCatalog();

boolean sorted Sort the pathname list using the pathname parts in the following order "ABCFED". Sorting takes considerable more resources, so use only when needed.

String pathWithWildChars   Either null (for ignore), or a String that represents a pathname with wild characters represented by a star (*) to match any string in the pathname part.  Wild characters can be at the beginning or end of a part, not inside of a string.  As an example, “/*/*/*Flow*/*/*/*/” will match all pathnames that have “Flow” anywhere in the C part, such as “Flow”, “Inflow”, “Outflow-Reg”, etc.  A part such as “Flow*Reg” is not legal.  A null (//) will only match a null, where only a star (/*/) will match all. 

String catalogName If you want the catalog to be written to a file other than the default (".dsc"), such as a temporary file, then provide the file name here; otherwise null for the default.