
For Who


Presenter/Study TeamLink to Publication
November 2024Hydrologic ProcessesWildfire Impacts for Temperature Index Snowpack Model ParametersJeremy Giovando, PhD, PE

September 2024ASCE Journal of Hydrologic EngineeringBalancing Complexity, Parsimony, and Applicability in
Hydrologic Modeling: A Comparative Evaluation
of Four Infiltration Models across
Parameterization Scenarios
Sara Rassa; Gerhard Schoener, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE; and Matthew Fleming, P.E.

29 July 2024Project ReportApplication of Machine Learning algorithms to predict snow accumulations and melt and reservoir inflow. Machine learning model results were compared to results from an HEC-HMS model.Dino Bellugi, Evan Roberts, Sumana Srivas, and Laurel Larsen from U.C. Berkeley, Chris Tennant from the Army Geospatial Center, and Matt Fleming and Natasha Sokolovskaya from HEC

8 May 2015Journal PublicationModeling Surface Soil Erosion and Sediment Transport Processes in the Upper North Bosque River Watershed, TexasJang Hyuk Pak, Matthew Fleming, William Scharffenberg, Stanford Gibson, and Thomas Brauer