Basic Concepts and Equations
Priestley and Taylor (1972) developed a simplified energy balance approach to modeling evapotranspiration. Data from multiple sites, each with saturated surface or open water conditions and without advection, were used to develop a widely applicable formula for the relationship between sensible and latent heat fluxes. For partially saturated land surfaces, the reference evapotranspiration is related to the saturated evaportranspiration rate by a coefficient:
ET_o = \alpha (R - G) \frac {\Delta}{\Delta + \gamma}
where \alpha is the dryness coefficient, R is the net incoming radiation, G is the heat flux into the ground (R - G = LE + H) where H is sensible heat and LE is latent heat, \Delta is the slope of the saturation vapour pressure curve, and \gamma is the psychrometric constant.
Required Parameters
The only parameter required to utilize this method within HEC-HMS is the dryness coefficient. In addition, air temperature and net radiation must be specified as a meteorologic boundary condition. Net radiation should be computed, entered in the program as a radiation time-series gage, and selected as the shortwave radiation method.
A Note on Parameter Estimation
While HEC-HMS provides a default coefficient value of 1.26, this value must be calibrated and validated. The default value corresponds to a saturated surface, or wet conditions. Specifically, lower values of the dryness coefficient should be used in humid regions while higher values should be used in arid regions.