Two references are available in addition to this technical reference manual:
The Hydrologic Modeling System HEC-HMS User's Manual (USACE, 1998b) describes how to use the computer program. While the user's manual identifies the models that are included in the program, its focus is the program's user interface. Thus, the user's manual provides a description of how to use the interface to provide data, to specify model parameters, to execute the program, and to review the results. It provides examples of all of these tasks.
The Hydrologic Modeling System HEC-HMS Applications Guide (USACE, 2002) describes how to apply the program to completing a hydrology study. A number of different types of studies are described, including typical goals, required information, and needed output data. The steps of performing the study are illustrated with a case study.
The user's manual and the HEC-HMS program are available on the Hydrologic Engineering Center's web site. The address is