Dew Point is the temperature below which droplets condense and form dew. Air temperature is affected by a variety of factors including Latitude, Altitude, Topography, and the presence of Vegetation or Waterbodies. The dew point also plays an integral role in several other meteorologic processes available to be modeled in HEC-HMS including Evapotranspiration and Longwave Radiation.
The Dew Point Method included in the Meteorologic Model is required when certain types of Evapotranspiration Methods or Longwave Radiation Methods are used. Seven methods (Gridded Dew Point Temperature, Gridded Humidity, Interpolated Dew Point Temperature, Interpolated Humidity, Precipitation Index Humidity, Specified Dew Point Thermograph, and Specified Humidograph) are available for adding Dew Point data to the Meteorologic Model.