The Windows version of the program is designed to be installed only once on a computer, and shared by every user with logon access to the computer. On Linux the program can be installed by Root in a single location for use by all users of the system, or each user can install it in their own home directory. Program configuration information is stored separately for each user. Projects will also be stored separately for each user, unless the users take steps to make the projects available to all users.
Microsoft Windows Operating System
Run the program by clicking on the Start menu and then place the mouse over the All Programs selection. After a short hesitation, the list of available programs will be displayed. Move the mouse to the HEC folder and move to the HEC-HMS subfolder. Click on the version of the program you wish to run.
If you chose to add a desktop shortcut during installation, you can also run the program directly from the desktop. An icon will be shown on the desktop for the program. Move the mouse over the icon and double-click the left mouse button.
Linux Operating System
Run the program by changing directory to the directory where the program is installed, changing hms script into an executable, then executing the hms script:
cd <HEC-HMS Install>
chmod +x
Running the program in Debug mode prints output to the console that may be helpful when debugging issues. Debug mode also opens "debug-only" features that are not suited for widespread use. To launch the program in debug, add the -debug
program argument. Examples are provided below.
hec-hms.exe -debug
hec-hms.cmd -debug
Linux: -debug
MacOS: -debug
Setting the number of CPU cores for native processes
HEC-HMS allows users to customize the number of processors (CPU cores) specifically for GIS processing tools, enabling optimization of performance for spatial data analysis. By default, HEC-HMS dynamically sets the number of processors to n−1
, where n
is the total number of available cores on the system. This ensures efficient utilization of system resources while leaving one core available for other tasks.
To specify a different number of cores, edit the HEC-HMS.cmd file. Add the
flag (replace x
with the desired number of processors) before the -classpath option.
For example:
jre\bin\java -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -DMapPanel.NoVolatileImage=true -Xms32M %PY_OPTS% %JAVA_LIB_OPT% -XX:ActiveProcessorCount=4 -classpath "%JARS%" %PROG% %ARGS%
Keep in mind that the program will set the number of cores to n-1, so specifying a count of 4 as in the example will result in the program using 3 cores.