A brief description of the Finite-Volume discretization of the total-load transport equation is provided here without any derivation or details. For addditional information including advection schemes, gradient operators, etc., the reader is referred to the HEC-RAS 2D Transport Module Technical Reference document (Sánchez et al. 2020). The 2D Transport Module solves generic Advection-Diffusion equations using explicit and implicit Finite-Volume methods. The final form of the discretized total-load advection-diffusion equation is given by

1) \frac{\Omega _{P}^{n+1}C_{tk,P}^{n+1}}{\Delta t \beta _{tk,P}^{n+1}} = \frac{\Omega _{P}^n C_{tk,P}^n}{\Delta t \beta _{tk,P}^n} + \sum _{f} \left[ \frac{A_{f} \varepsilon_{tk,f}}{\delta _{PN}} \left(C_{tk,N}^{n+\theta} - C_{tk,P}^{n+\theta } \right) - F_{f}C_{tk,f}^{n+\theta}\right]+\left(E_{tk,P} - D_{tk,P} \right) A_{P}


\Omega = cell volume

P = subscript indicating cell

f = subscript indicating face between cells P and N

N = subscript indicating neighboring cell to P and sharing face f

n = superscript indicating time step

C_{tk} = total-load sediment concentration of the kth grain class [M/L3]

β_{tk} = total-load correction factor for the kth grain class

ε_{tk} = total-load diffusion coefficient corresponding to the kth grain class

A_f = face vertical area [L2/T]

F_{f} = face-normal water flow [L3/T]

E_{tk} = total-load erosion rate [M/T/L2]

D_{tk} = total-load deposition rate [M/T/L2]

A_P = cell wetted horizontal area [L2]

δ_{PN}= distance between cell points N and P [L]

\theta = implicit weighting factor [-]

n + \theta = superscript representing the temporal weighting X^{n+\theta} = \theta X^{n+1} + (1-\theta)X^n (Generalized Euler scheme)

When the implicit weighting factor \theta is equal to 1, the scheme reduces to the first-order fully implicit Backward Euler scheme. When the implicit weighting factor is equal to 0.5, the scheme is the second-order Crank-Nicholson scheme. An implicit discretization is utilized for robustness. However, future versions will have the option to use an explicit scheme.