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Viewing 2D or 1D/2D Output using HEC-RAS Mapper
Once the user has completed an unsteady flow run of the model, the user can look at all of the 1D output (plots and tables) in the same manner as before, using the traditional plots and tables. However, the 2D output results can only be viewed within RAS Mapper. Currently, the user can visualize inundation areas (and other types of output) within RAS Mapper for River Reaches, Storage Areas, and 2D flow areas at the same time. To visualize the output, select the GIS Tools | RAS Mapper menu on the main HEC-RAS window (or just select the RAS Mapper button on the main HEC-RAS window). The RAS Mapper window shown in Figure 6-1 will appear.
Note: This chapter is an overview of RAS Mapper to assist users with visualizing 1D/2D output. For more details on RAS Mapper, see the separate RAS Mapper User’s manual.