The Curve Number (CN) method is an empirical surface runoff method developed by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) while it was formerly called the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) (SCS 1985). The SCS CN method estimates precipitation excess as a function of the cumulative precipitation depth, soil cover, land use, and antecedent soil moisture as
1) |
\displaystyle P_e = \left\{ \begin{matrix} 0 & for P<I_a \\ \frac{(P-I_a)^2}{P-I_a+S} & otherwise \end{matrix} |
where P_e is the accumulated precipitation excess, P is the accumulated precipitation depth, I_a is the initial abstraction (initial loss), and S is the potential maximum soil retention (moisture after runoff begins). Runoff begins once the initial abstraction begins once the initial abstraction is met. The initial abstraction may be estimated as a function of the potential maximum retention. By default it is computed as
where r is user-defined ratio typically between 0.05 and 0.2. The potential maximum soil retention S is computed from the runoff curve number CN as
3) |
\displaystyle S= \frac{1000}{CN} -10 |
where S is in inches. The curve number CN values range from approximately 30 for permeable soils with high infiltration rates to 100 for water bodies and soils with low infiltration rates. Publications from the Soil Conservation Service (1971, 1986) provide further background and details on use of the CN model. The incremental excess for a time interval is computed as the difference between the accumulated excess at the end of and beginning of the period. The infiltration is then computed as the rainfall minus the excess. The recovery method for the SCS CN consists of setting the cumulative rainfall depth to zero (i.e. P=0 ) after a user-specified time in which the infiltration is zero. The excess rate is computed as
4) |
\displaystyle v= \frac{\Delta Q}{\Delta t} |
where \Delta Q is the change in the direct runoff from the previous time step. The infiltration is calculated as
where R is the rainfall intensity.
One thing to keep in mind with the SCS CN is the method was not developed for simulating historic events. The same loss amount of excess will be computed for a rainfall of 5 inches regardless of whether it occurred in 1 hour or 1 day. Another problem with the standard SCS CN method is that as the rainfall increases, the infiltration may become unrealistically small. For this reason, the SCS CN method has been modified in HEC-RAS so that there is a minimum user-specified infiltration rate which is utilized whenever the infiltration rate falls below this rate and there is sufficient rainfall.
Table 3. Runoff Curve Numbers for Hydrologic Soil-Cover Complexes
Cover |
| Hydrologic Soil Group |
Land Use | Treatment or Practice | Hydrologic Condition | A | B | C | D |
Fallows | Straight row |
| 77 | 86 | 91 | 94 |
Row crops | Straight row | Poor Good | 7267 | 81 78 | 88 85 | 91 89 |
| Contoured | Poor Good | 7065 | 79 75 | 84 82 | 88 86 |
| Contoured and terraced | Poor Good | 6662 | 74 71 | 80 78 | 82 81 |
Small grain | Straight row | Poor Good | 65 63 | 76 75 | 84 83 | 88 87 |
| Contoured | Poor Good | 63 61 | 74 73 | 82 81 | 85 84 |
| Contoured and terraced | Poor Good | 61 59 | 72 70 | 79 78 | 82 81 |
Close-seeded legumes or rotation meadow | Straight row | Poor Good | 66 58 | 77 72 | 85 81 | 89 85 |
| Contoured | Poor Good | 64 55 | 75 69 | 83 78 | 85 83 |
| Contoured and terraced | Poor Good | 63 51 | 73 67 | 80 76 | 83 80 |
Pasture or range
| Contoured
| Poor Fair Good | 68 49 39 | 79 69 61 | 86 79 74 | 89 84 80 |
Poor Fair Good | 47 25 6 | 67 59 35 | 81 75 70 | 88 83 79 |
Meadow |
| Good | 30 | 58 | 71 | 78 |
Woods |
| Poor Fair Good | 45 36 25 | 66 60 55 | 77 73 70 | 83 79 77 |
Farmsteads |
| 59 | 74 | 82 | 86 |
Roads (dirt) (hard surface) |
| 72 74 | 82 84 | 87 90 | 89 92 |