HEC-RAS sediment simulations generate a lot of data. The Output Level forces users to chose between minimizing the results, or getting a lot of data they did not want to get the results they do want. The current version of HEC-RAS has added Customized Output to address that issue.

The Customized Output will add the user selected variables to the results from the Output Level, so users can choose a very basic output level (e.g. 2 or 3), and just add the results they are interested in. Or they can choose Only Customized under the output level and HEC-RAS will only write the user selected variables. To customize the output level, press the Select Customized Variables button.
Select customized output results.
HEC-RAS adds these variables to the result file and they show up as options in the sediment result plotter as shown below: 
Result includes the standard Level 2 results and the two selected in the previous figure.
To delete customized variables, double click on them in the list and to delete all of them press the Clear Variable button.