Download page Advanced Features for Unsteady Flow Routing.
Advanced Features for Unsteady Flow Routing
HEC-RAS has several advanced features that can be used when modeling complex unsteady flow situations. These features include mixed flow regime capabilities (subcritical, supercritical, hydraulic jumps, and draw downs); the ability to perform a dam break analysis; levee overtopping and breaching; hinge pool calculations for navigation dams; how to model pressurized pipe flow in HEC-RAS; and using generic rules to control gate operations at hydraulic structures.
The advanced features discussed in this section are list below.
Mixed Flow Regime
Dam Break Analysis
Levee Breaching and Overtopping
Pump Stations
Navigation Dams
Modeling Pressurized Pipe Flow
User Defined Rules for Controlling Gate Operations
Automated Calibration of Manning's n Values for Unsteady Flow