After the model has finished the steady or unsteady flow computations the user can begin to view the output. Output is available in a graphical and tabular format. The current version of the program allows the user to view cross sections, water surface profiles, general profiles, rating curves, X-Y-Z perspective plots, hydrographs, detailed tabular output at a single location, and summary tabular output at many cross sections. Users also have the ability to develop their own output tables. Additionally, if your model is georeferenced, you can also create inundation maps, and perform animations of inundated areas within HEC-RAS Mapper. This section will discuss the following:
Cross Sections, Profiles, and Rating Curves
3D Perspective Plots
Stage and Flow Hydrographs
Breach Hydrograph Plot
Tabular Output
Viewing Results From The River System Schematic
Viewing Computational Level Output for Unsteady Flow