The following rules apply to channel and cross-section import/export data.
Defining the River Network
The stream network is represented by a set of interconnected reaches. A stream is a set of one or more connected reaches that share a common Stream ID.
A stream is composed of one or more reaches with the same Stream ID, and each reach in a stream must have a unique Reach ID. Every reach must be identified by a unique combination of stream and reach IDs.
Stream IDs and Reach IDs are alphanumeric strings. Reach endpoint IDs are integers.
Streams cannot contain parallel flow paths. (If three reaches connect at a node, only two can have the same Stream ID.) This prevents ambiguity in stationing along a stream.
A reach is represented by an ordered series of 3D coordinates, and identified by a Stream ID, a Reach ID, and IDs for its endpoints.
A reach endpoint is represented by its 3D coordinates and identified by an integer ID.
Reaches are not allowed to cross, but can be connected at their endpoints (junctions) to form a network.
The normal direction of flow on a reach is indicated by the order of its endpoints. One point marks the upstream or "from" end of the reach, the other marks the downstream or "to" end of the reach.
Defining Cross Sections
Each cross section is defined by a series of 3D coordinates, and identified by a stream name and reach name (which must refer to an existing stream and reach) and a station, indicating the distance from the cross-section to the downstream end of the stream.
A cross-section line can cross a reach line exactly once, and cannot cross another cross-section line.
Results of a water surface calculation are exported in a file that contains cross-section locations in plane (2D) coordinates, water-surface elevations for the cross-sections, and boundary polygons for the reaches.
Water Surface Export Data Rules
A cross-section is represented by a water surface elevation and a series of 2D coordinates on the cross-section cut line. The full width of the cross-section is included.
One bounding polygon is created for each reach in the stream network, and for each profile.
A reach's bounding polygon is made up of the most upstream cross-section on the reach, the endpoints of all cross-sections on the reach, and the most upstream cross-sections of reaches downstream of the reach.
For purposes of defining bounding polygons only, the endpoints of a cross-section are adjusted to the edge of the water surface at the cross-section if the cross-section is part of a floodway, a leveed section of the reach, or the water extent is controlled by a hydraulic structure. This allows calculated water surfaces that are higher than the land surface to be reported back to the CADD or GIS program.