Infiltration parameter values can be established spatially for each 2D Flow Area cell based on the associated Infiltration layer. The Infiltration group layer will profile sub-layers for Calibration Regions and the result Final Values raster used in the model.  Base infiltration parameters and overrides should be specified on the Infiltration layer.  Once finalized, the Infiltration layer is then associated with the Geometry.  During model analysis and refinement, the Calibration Regions polygon layer can be used to modifiy specific areas in the model.

To add a Calibration Region, start Editing.  Create the polygon of interest and provide an unique name (all calibration regions are unique).

The new region will be added to the Infiltration Parameters table and allow the user to specify how to treat the region.  Entering a value for the new region ("Polygon 1") will take precedence over those values in the Infiltration dataset. Base Override values may also be specified to globally replace values, while the Calibration Region only affects the area within the Region.