The Inline Structures layer is used to locate the centerline of hydraulic structures that span a water course (e.g. dam, weir, etc). The inline structure should be created from left to right when looking downstream, crossing a river line exactly once.  When a new inline structure is created a dialog will be prompt the user to enter a Node Name, the Width (in the direction of flow) for the structure and provide a Description, if desired.   The structure's River Station is computed based on the intersection with the River layer (just like the cross sections). Information for the Weir/Embankment Data Editor is extracted from the proximity of the structure to surrounding cross sections for the Distance and property, while elevation information is extracted from the Terrain layer.

Inline Structure information will need to be completed in the Inline Structure Data Editor.

Inline structures can have Culvert Barrels, Gate Openings, Rating Curve Outlets, and Outlet Time Series.  Each are defined by selecting the corresponding layer and drawing a line in the direction of flow across the structure.  The Gate Opening Editor is very similar to the Culvert Barrel Editor.  For Rating Curves and Outlet Time Series you are prompted for a name.  Additional data will be need to be entered in the appropriate editors in HEC-RAS to complete the data.