
The Point of Rocks gage (USGS 01638500) is located on the Potomac River in Maryland. The gage has a drainage area of 9,600 square miles and is located approximately 55 river miles upstream of Washington D.C. The location of the gage is shown in Figure 1

USGS 01638500 Potomac River at Point of Rocks, MD

Annual peak discharge data is available starting in water year (WY) 1889. A distribution fitting analysis was performed to determine the most appropriate probability model to fit to the annual maximum discharges. HEC-SSP includes 19 analytical distributions and three fitting methods.  Also, 5 goodness of fit tests are included to evaluate model performance. The 5 goodness of fit tests used in HEC-SSP are Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Chi-Squared, Anderson-Darling, Bayesian Information Criterion, and Akaike Information Criterion. 

In this tutorial, the user will manually calculate the goodness of fit statistics for the log-normal distribution and compare the results with those from HEC-SSP. 

The following major tasks will serve as an outline for the workshop:

  1. Copy data from HEC-SSP and compute distribution parameters for the log-normal distribution.
  2. Compute the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic.
  3. Compute the Chi-Squared test statistic.
  4. Compute the Anderson-Darling test statistic.
  5. Compute the Bayesian information criterion.
  6. Compute the Akaike information criterion.

Spend approximately 20 minutes per task to accomplish Tasks 1 - 3. If time allows, complete Tasks 4-6.

Continue to Task 1. Getting Started in Excel.

An Excel spreadsheet with calculations for Tasks 1-6 is provided at the end of the tutorial.