CWMS is a collection of software designed and assembled to assist Corps of Engineers water managers in making decisions regarding the release or storage of water and the operation of the various projects throughout their area of responsibility.  This collection of software is separated into three groups, Client Software, Modeling Software, and Server & Database Software.  The Client and Modeling Software are combined into a single CWMS Client package for installation on your PC.  The Server & Database software are assembled into a separate package for installation on your CWMS Server.

The CWMS 3.2.1 Client package comes with an upgrade to all of the individual modeling applications and most of the client applications that make up CWMS.  Many of these upgraded applications require user input during the conversion of models or configuration files to the newer version.  To smoothly manage the migration of your CWMS 3.1.1 implementation into CWMS 3.2.1, this Migration Roadmap page and its subpages were prepared.  Please read this page and its subpages carefully before you start the migration.

IMPORTANT: BACKUP YOUR WATERSHEDS! - Watershed models brought into CWMS 3.2.1 will become incompatible with prior versions of CWMS. Before opening an existing watershed for the first time using the new CWMS CAVI and servers, zip up each copy of the watershed on your PC, as well as any master watersheds on your servers.  Rename each zip file appropriately, so that you and/or your team members will know which archive(s) can be used should you need to revert to the previous CWMS version. If you use Team Forecasting, coordinate with your team members to determine whether to update a master watershed or create a new copy of the master watershed for CWMS 3.2.1.  

IMPORTANT: When opening an existing watershed for first time using the new CWMS servers, be sure to update the server settings, save the watershed, then exit the CAVI.  To update the server settings, open the Watershed Properties editor from the Watershed menu of the Setup tab in the CAVI.  The server settings can be found on the Server Configuration tab of the Watershed Properties editor.  Be sure to Save the watershed, then fully close the CAVI and restart it to load the updated watershed.

Also note ...

Changing Watershed's Servers - Extract and Post Groups

What will work – The actual Extract of the data - The Extract and Post editors save the server information for each of the Extract or Post Groups that require them.  However, the information is not used when the Extract or Post is run.  For instance, when you create a Forecast, the extract uses the servers you are connected to, to find the information mapped to the record. If the information matches what is in the Extract Group, the extract/post process will run and complete without issues.  For example, if you have a remote gridded file used in one of the Extract Groups for a specific server set up, but log in using a different server, the extract will still work if the gridded data is in the same location on the servers you are logged into. Same is true for Oracle records.  If the records exist on the db you are logged into, the extract will still work. 

What won’t work -  You will not be able to edit the specific Extract/Post groups through the interface and change the server information.  If you want to add records using the new servers, you must make new Extract/Post groups. 

IMPORTANT: Pay attention to the caviServer logs for certain errors related to database connections.   See section denoted "Password Problems with Oracle Accounts" in "Server and Database Software Notes for CWMS 3.2.1".

IMPORTANT: If it becomes necessary to restart the CAVI due to some issue, please use HEC-RTSTaskList.exe to ensure that all its associated processes are cleared before starting it back up.   See section denoted "CAVI" in "CWMS Client Software - CAVI, CWMSVue, REGI, etc"." 

IMPORTANT: CWMS 3.2.1 and HEC-ResSim 3.5 are now using Jython 2.7 and 2.7.2 respectively. Scripts running on your clients, server, or as part of your ResSim model may require changes.   See Scripting 3.2.1 tips and the ResSim section in Modeling Software Upgrade Notes for CWMS 3.2.1.

IMPORTANT: Various server-side scripts for CWMS 3.2.1 are now using Python 2.7, which can be found in the wmsoft sub-directory of the CWMS 3.2.1 installation directory on your server.  If you have server-side scripts that you have created or customized, they may need updates to be compatible with Python 2.7 and CWMS 3.2.1.

CWMS Modeling Software

CWMS 3.2.1 includes the following versions of the modeling applications:

HEC-MetVue - 3.1.0

HEC-HMS - 4.5

HEC-ResSim - 3.5.0 Beta

HEC-RAS - 5.0.7

HEC-FIA - 3.2

These are all newer versions than were included with CWMS 3.1.1, so each model in your current watersheds will need to be updated to be compatible with its current software version.  To facilitate a smooth upgrade, please read and follow the guidance provided in Modeling Software Upgrade Notes for CWMS 3.2.1.

IMPORTANT: If you open a CWMS 3.1.1 watershed in CWMS 3.2.1 without first updating the individual models, HMS and FIA will display prompts asking to update their models (allowing you to stop the update), MetVue and RAS automatically update their models, and ResSim will wait to update its model files until a network is loaded into ResSim for editing, at which point it will display a prompt.  In all cases, once updated, the models will no longer be usable in CWMS 3.1.1.

CWMS Client Software - CAVI, CWMSVue, REGI, etc.

The CWMS CAVI, CWMSVue, REGI, and a variety of other programs included in the CWMS Client installation package have been updated to include bug fixes and/or new features.  Please review the various notes described in CWMS Client Software - CAVI, CWMSVue, REGI, etc. to determine if you need to address any configuration issues or make any other changes to your watersheds.

CWMS Server & Database Software

The CWMS Server and Database Software and their configurations are usually the responsibility of your CWMS Administrator and the notes provided in the following link were prepared for them.  However, all CWMS users should have an understanding of what software is running on your servers so it always good to learn about what your CWMS Admins are dealing with. 

Administrators, please review the various notes described in


Custom Python and Jython scripts are used by most offices on both the server and client platforms to perform a variety of necessary, often repetitive, and sometimes unique tasks.  The versions of both the Python and Jython runtime environments included with CWMS 3.2.1 have been updated.  Please review the various notes provided in Scripting 3.2.1 tips to learn more.

Other References

The CWMS Change List is at CWMS 3.2.1 Change List.

Video walk-throughs of the upgrade process are  . . . coming soon (updating the preliminary versions at bottom of