• Reminder from CWMS 3.2.1 update that most wildcard (*) importing is not supported.  This includes but not limited to scripting in the CAVI, CWMS-Vue, HEC-DSSVue, and HEC-ResSim If you are updating CWMS models from 3.1.1 or older, please refer back to the 3.2.1 versioned section.
  • The following RmaFileManager methods have been removed due to security issues and will no longer be supported.
    • public boolean exec(String cmd) throws RemoteException;
      public int execute(String cmd) throws RemoteException;
      public ProcessOutput executeProcess(String cmd) throws RemoteException;
      public ProcessOutput executeProcess(String[] cmd) throws RemoteException;
  •  Library paths have been changed through HEC shared code initiative.  Update scripts to access libraries using the following table (Transition from hecjavadev to HecMonolith (Major Scripting Changes))