The Rating Data Table allows you to view the rating curve data in a tabular format, with each column containing the corresponding data for the independent and dependent parameters. The Effective Date for the selected rating curve is displayed at the top of the table. The layout of the table differs for a rating curve with a single independent parameter and for one with multiple independent parameters. 

For rating curves with only one independent parameter, the Rating Data Table will display all the rating curve data with the independent parameter in the second column and the dependent parameter in the third column. The first column of the Rating Data Table is filled with nodes for each point on the rating curve. If a parameter is set to elevation, the vertical datum information will show in the column header, next to the unit.

Rating Data Example - One Independent Parameter

For rating curves with multiple independent parameters, individual columns are present for every independent parameter. The arrangement of the independent parameters columns follows the order of entry for the independent parameters.

Rating Data Example - Multiple Independent Paramters

Values in the Rating Data Table are editable and are synchronized with the Rating Plot. The Rating Data Table also allows the selection of multiple points on the rating curve when using the Point-Editor Tool of the Rating Plot. This allows the graphical editing of the multiple-points of the rating curve data by moving them altogether.