The Introduction section describes how CWMS generates data and information that is readily available for water managers, and introduces the CWMS graphical user interface (GUI). The CAVI (Control and Visualization Interface) is the CWMS GUI and the steering wheel of CWMS. The CAVI, as well as the analysis software that is part of CWMS, run on your local workstation. The CAVI features graphical menus and tools organized by function (modules). The four modules include: 

  • Acquisition for data acquisition, monitoring, validation, and editing.
  • Visualization for viewing data.
  • Modeling for setting up and executing analysis software for forecasting and viewing results.
  • Setup for configuring a watershed (coordinate system, map layers, program sequence, model alternatives, forecast runs, extracts, posts).

This section provides an overview of the CWMS CAVI and other basic capabilities. Controlling the CWMS CAVI is similar to controlling the GUIs of other HEC software. Here are three navigation tips: 

  • For simplicity, the CWMS CAVI "hides" commands that are not applicable to the module or element that you are working in. Thus, if an option appears to be missing, make sure the correct module or element that the option is applicable to has been selected.
  • Directory trees list elements configured in the watershed. When a new element is configured, that element will display in the directory tree.
  • Commands related to a selected element are typically accessible by right-clicking on the element.