Scripts can be added to the Acquisition, Visualization, or Modeling modules. Within the Modeling module, select the Scripts tab to access the relevant window within the Modeling Tab. Within the Acquisition and Visualization modules, the Scripts window will be visible within the tab below the Time Window Details

To add a script button to the module, right-click in the blank area of the Scripts window and select the Edit option. This will open the Select Scripts dialog.

Select Scripts Dialog

On the left side of the dialog is the Available column, which lists all of the available scripts that can be added to the module. Select any scripts you would like to add and click the Add button. If you want to add all available scripts, you can simply click the Add All button. 

Once you have added all of the necessary scripts, they will display within the Selected column on the right side of the dialog. Click OK, and the dialog will close and any scripts selected will show up in the active module.

Scripts Window with Scripts Added