These methods create new GridData objects. The new grid is the result of an arithmetic operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) carried out on every cell in the grid except for those with a null value. Null cells in the input grid will remain null in the output grid.
This method creates a new grid in which every non-null cell in the input grid has been replaced with the sum of the addend argument and the value in the corresponding cell in the input grid.
GridData GridUtilities.scalarAdd(
GridData inGrid,
float addend)
This method creates a new grid in which every non-null cell in the input grid has been replaced with the difference calculated by subtracting the subtrahend argument from the value in the corresponding cell in the input grid.
GridData GridUtilities.scalarSubtract(
GridData inGrid,
float subtrahend)
This method creates a new grid in which every non-null cell in the input grid has been replaced with the quotient calculated by dividing the value in the corresponding cell in the input grid by the divisor argument.
GridData GridUtilities.scalarMultiply(
GridData inGrid,
float factor)
This method creates a new grid in which every non-null cell in the input grid has been replaced with the quotient calculated by dividing the value in the corresponding cell in the input grid by the divisor argument.
GridData GridUtilities.scalarDivide(
GridData inGrid,
float divisor)