What is an Alternative Comparison Report?

An alternative comparison report is exactly that: a report that contains a comparison of the alternative-level results.

What is the Purpose of an Alternative Comparison Report?

The purpose of an alternative comparison report is to calculate the distribution of damage reduced in terms of expected annual damage and average annual equivalent damage.

Working with Alternative Comparison Reports in HEC-FDA

Differences Between HEC-FDA Versions 1 and 2

An alternative comparison report is a new concept to the HEC-FDA software. However, the methods and reporting are the same between the two versions. We have simply gathered the results of plan comparison in one dedicated place. The results of an alternative comparison report in HEC-FDA Version 2 are the same results found in the damage reduced distribution summary reports for expected annual damage and the reduced and distribution summary reports for average annual equivalent damage. 

Steps to Configure an Alternative Comparison Report in HEC-FDA

  1. Right click on Alternative Comparison Reports in the Study Tree and select Create New Alternative Comparison Report.
  2. Specify a useful name and description.
  3. Select the without-project condition alternative.
  4. Select a with-project condition alternative.
  5. Hit add comparison to include additional with-project condition alternatives if applicable.
  6. Select Save and Close.
  7. Right click on the alternative comparison report and select View Results.
  8. Select the measurement of damage: expected annual damage or average annual equivalent damage.
  9. Select the Analysis Year if you chose EAD for measurement of damage.
  10. Select which report you'd like to view: Damage with Uncertainty, Damage by Impact Area, or Damage by Damage Category. 
  11. See Alternative Comparison Report Results for more information.