The HEC-RAS software is an integral part of the process for running HEC-FIA. HEC-FIA relies on data from HEC-RAS in the form of Storage Area and Cross Section shapefiles; Terrain grids, Inundation grids, Arrival Time grids, and HEC-DSS output. This Appendix shows the basic steps in HEC-RAS to export data for use by HEC_FIA.

The consequence computation in HEC-FIA can be done using a cross section shapefile, storage area shapefile, and associated HEC-DSS database with stage-hydrograph output at each cross section and storage area for the flood scenarios being assessed. Another way to compute consequences is to use gridded data containing the various hydraulic parameters that HEC-FIA needs. This Appendix covers the steps to prepare that data in HEC-RAS for HEC-FIA.