In this tutorial you will add observed flow and view results for a hydrologic element.
From the Components menu, select Time-Series Data Manager
For Data Type, select Discharge Gages
Select New... to create a new discharge gage
Name the gage PNXP and create
Open the component editor for the discharge gage PNXP. For DSS Filename, select /Punxsutawney/data/observe.dss. For the DSS pathname, select the FLOW record at location PNXP.
Open the component editor for Junction-2
Select the Options tab
For observed flow, select the PNXP discharge gage:
Compute the simulation Run: May 1996
View results at Junction-2. You should notice an observed time-series (black dotted line):
In this tutorial an observed flow record was as a discharge gage, then linked the discharge gage to a basin element as observed flow. Observed flow was viewed in relation to other element results.