HEC-HMS Tutorials and Guides HEC-HMS Example Applications Advanced Applications of HEC-HMS Final Project Current: Task 5. Document Final Parameters and Results PDF Download PDF Download page Task 5. Document Final Parameters and Results. Current page All pages Task 5. Document Final Parameters and Results Return to Task 4. Perform a Period of Record Simulation for Water Years 1916-2018Last Modified: 2024-06-26 15:43:51.849 Allotted Time This task should take approximately 10 - 15 minutes to complete. Download the initial project files here: Final Model ParametersEnter initial and final model parameters (average them for all subbasins) on the attached Final_Project_Results.xlsx.Snow ParameterInitial ValueFinal ValuePX Temperature (deg F)Base Temperature (deg F)ATI CoefficientWet Melt MethodWet Meltrate (in / deg F - day)Rain Rate Limit (in / day)ATI-Meltrate FunctionCold Limit (in / day)ATI-Coldrate FunctionWater Capacity (%)Groundmelt (in / day)Loss ParameterInitial ValueFinal ValueInitial Deficit (in)Maximum Deficit (in)Constant Rate (in / hr)Percent Impervious AreaTransform ParameterInitial ValueFinal ValueTime of Concentration (hr)Storage Coefficient (hr)Baseflow ParameterInitial ValueFinal ValueGW1 Initial (cfs / sq mi)GW2 Initial (cfs / sq mi)GW1 FractionGW1 Coefficient (hr)GW1 StepsGW2 FractionGW2 StepsGW2 Coefficient (hr)Final Flow-Frequency ResultsEnter flow-frequency results for several time periods using both observed and model results in the tables on the spreadsheet:Observed vs Model Results Comparison Using Annual Exceedance Probability (%)Daily Average Flow (cfs) Using:Observed Data for WY 1973 - 2018Model Results for WY 1973 - 20180. vs Model Results Comparison Using All DataAnnual Exceedance Probability (%)Daily Average Flow (cfs) Using:Observed Data for WY 1973 - 2018Model Results for WY 1916 - 20180. QuestionsQuestion: Describe the process(es) you followed to calibrate the model to WY 1983 - 1992.Answer...Share your thoughts with others. We will discuss as a group. Question: What was the most challenging part of model development and calibration?Answer...Share your thoughts with others. We will discuss as a group. Question: How much confidence do you have in the initial parameter estimates? How much confidence do you have in the final parameter estimates?Answer...Share your thoughts with others. We will discuss as a group. Question: How well did the model validate to WY 1993 - 2002?Answer...Share your thoughts with others. We will discuss as a group. Question: How confident are you in the estimated discharges for WY 1916 - 2018?Answer...Share your thoughts with others. We will discuss as a group. Question: Which parameters are the most impactful to Success Dam inflows?Answer...Share your thoughts with others. We will discuss as a group. This concludes the Advanced Applications of HEC-HMS Final Project workshop. Submit your spreadsheet results to June 2024 Final Submissions - Files - HEC Drive (hecdev.net) in the format LastName_FirstName.xlsx. ×