Apache Guacamole is a web app used by HEC to provide remote access to pre-configured virtual machines (VM) through a web browser. This allows all students to use a computer that has all the data and software ready to go, is accessible off and on VPN, and is consistent across all students. It also allows instructors and other students to easily share their VM's through Guacamole for real-time assistance by instructors and collaboration with other students.

Apache Guacamole refers to the VMs as Connections, so this document will use that language to be consistent with the images.

Logging into Guacamole

We recommend using Chrome to access Guacamole. Guacamole web app is accessible at the address: https://guac.hecdev.net/guacamole/#/

Enter your user name and password below to gain access to a home page that displays all available connections for the class. The username (and password) are case-sensitive, so make sure you use a capital C.

URL: https://guac.hecdev.net/guacamole/#/

Username: Class

Password: <to be provided by course coordinator>

Your teachers will assign you a specific connection to join so that students do not compete for the same connection.


Recent connections are displayed in the top section of the home page, and available connections are presented in a tree view at the bottom of the page.

Connecting to a Connection

Before connecting to a Connection, make sure your browser window is maximized so you have plenty of space to work with inside of the VM.

Managing your VM screen size

It is best to maximize your browser window before connecting to a virtual machine, but if you are already connected and need to resize the browser window, the content of the screen will not resize until you reload.  Use the reload button on Chrome to quickly reload the browser content.

To connect to a Connection, expand the tree view for the appropriate group and select the VM you wish to enter.

If someone is already connected to the connection, there will be a notification at the right hand side of the page.

Trying to connect to a VM that is currently in-use will result in the error below.

Only one Class user can connect directly to the connection at once. Students must use the Share Desktop feature described below to share a Connection with other students.

Interacting with the VM

When you are connected, you will be presented with a familiar Windows desktop inside of your browser. It will look and feel exactly like a Windows PC.

Bringing up the Guacamole Menu

While connected to the VM, click on Control + Alt + Shift to bring up the Guacamole Menu. 

The Guacamole Menu allows you to go back Home, Disconnect, Share your Desktop, and if allowed, copy files to and from the VM. 

Sharing the Guacamole Connection

To share a Guacamole connection, bring up the Guacamole Menu, click on Share, then Share Desktop. 

The URL/address is a temporarily link that you can copy and provide to any other person that you are collaborating with. When they click on the link, they will be dropped into the Connection and all users will see and be able to interact with the VM at the same time. If the person that initially connected to the Connection disconnects, refreshes, or closes their browser tab, the temporarily link will expire and anyone who connected with it will be kicked out.  

More help with using Guacamole

Detailed instructions for using Guacamole are provided by Apache here: https://guacamole.apache.org/doc/gug/using-guacamole.html