Download page Overview of RAS Mapper Output Capabilities.
Overview of RAS Mapper Output Capabilities
HEC-RAS Mapper can be used to develop terrain models and visualize HEC-RAS results in a map-based format. For a more detailed description of RAS Mapper, see the RAS Mapper User's Manual. RAS Mapper has the following capabilities:
Develop terrain models for use in 2D modeling and visualizing 1D/2D model results. Terrain models can be developed from one or more terrain tiles, and these tiles can have different grid resolutions.
Develop Land Cover Layers ( for use in defining Manning's n values and percent impervious); soils layers, and infiltration layers.
Various types of map layer results can be generated, such as: depth of water; water surface elevations; velocity; inundation boundary (shapefile); flow (1D only right now); depth times velocity; depth times velocity2; Courant number; Froude number; Residence Time; Shear stress; Energy Depth; Energy Elevation; arrival time; Arrival time (max); Recession; flood duration; percent time inundated; Stream power; and wet cells (completely color any cell that gets wet).
Computed model results can be displayed dynamically on the fly, or they can be written to a static (stored to disk) map layer/depth grid file.
Computed model results can be animated (dynamic mapping) or shown for a specific instance in time. There are also options for plotting maximum (Max) and minimum (Min) values at all locations.
Time series plots and tables can be displayed for 1D and 2D output directly from RAS Mapper, at any location where there is a map layer result. Time series plots and tables include: water surface elevation; depth; and velocity (2D node velocities, 2D average face velocities, and 1D velocities), etc….
Users can query any active map layers value by simply moving the mouse pointer over the map.
Web imagery, shape files, and point layers can be displayed as background layers behind the computed results. Shapefiles and Point layers can also be added to the "Features" layer in order to be plotted on top.
The user can make a terrain model from the cross sections (channel only or entire sections), the river and bank lines, and the cross-section interpolation surface. Elevations between the cross sections are interpolated using the interpolation surface and the cross-section elevations. This terrain model can then be combined with other terrain data (overbank/floodplain) to make a new terrain model in which the channel/cross section data is now burned into the overall terrain model.
Users can create User Defined Profile Lines, then request various types of output along those profile lines (i.e., WSE and terrain, velocity, depth, flow, etc…)
User can zoom into an area of their model then store that location as a User Define View. Then later you can click on any User define view and it will jump to that location and view.