When Results Layer(s) are turned on for display, the user can also get time series plots and tables for those results layers. If a results map layer is displayed, move the mouse pointer over that graphic layer and then right click the mouse, a pop up window will appear with additional output options for displaying time series plots. For example, if the "Depth" results map layer is turned on, right click on that map window over that layer and an option for plotting a "Unsteady Time Series" will be available in the popup window. When this option is selected, there will be a sub menu for selecting the available variable types (i.e. Depth, WSE, and Velocity). Only the map layers that are turned on will be available to plot. Also, if more than one of the same map layer type is turned on for two or more Plans, then all of those map layers will show up on the same time series plot (Figure 6-17).

If 2D flow areas are in the model, additional 2D model results in the form of time series plots and tables are available. To get 2D model specific results, first turn on the 2D flow area grid, from the Geometry layer of the desired plan, listed in the Results layer. When the 2D flow area grid is turned on, right click the mouse over top of it, the popup menu will show options for plotting (Figure 6-18) the following results time series: Cell Water Surface Time Series; Face Point Velocity Time series (this is a point velocity of the closest Cell Face Point when selected); Face Perpendicular Velocity Time Series (the component of the velocity that is perpendicular to this face); Face flow (flow across this face in time); Face Shear Stress (the average shear stress across the cell face that is closest to the mouse pointer when selected); and the Property Tables (the pre-computed cell elevation vs volume and face property tables (elevation vs area, wetted perimeter, and roughness) that are used in the solution of the equations). An example 2D cell water surface elevation time series plot from RAS Mapper is shown in Figure 6-19.

Once a time series is plotted from RAS Mapper, there is also the option to display the results in a table. Tabular results are displayed by selecting the Table tab on the time series plot. Users can highlight data in the table and use Ctrl-C to copy the highlighted information to the Windows Clipboard. Also, when viewing the plot, right clicking brings up a popup menu with the options to "Copy Values to Clipboard" (which copies all of the data) and to "Zoom to the Full Extent" of the data. Additionally, the mouse wheel can be used to Zoom In and Out on the plot; holding down the Ctrl key and using the mouse allows for measuring on the plot; and holding down the "Z" key and using the mouse allows the user to draw a Zoom Window; pressing the Esc key will zoom to the full extent.