The menu system for RAS Mapper provides access to the most often used capabilities.  Many other capabilities are available through right-click on a Group Layer, Layer, or selected feature.  A summary of menu options is provided in the table below. Each of the menu items is discussed in detail throughout the users documentation.




If RAS Mapper is launched outside of HEC-RAS, this is used to open a .rasmap file.


Saves RAS Mapper state - layer symbology, zoom, etc.


Closes RAS Mapper


    Set Projection

Used to set the coordinate reference system for the project - necessary to use with web imagery.

    Create New RAS Terrain

Used to import a terrain model(s) into a single, RAS Terrain.

    Create New Geometry

Used to create an empty geometry to begin model development.

    Create New RAS Layer

Used to create RAS-specific layers such as a Land Cover layer for Manning's n values.

    Manage Layer Associations

Used to associate a Geometry or Result file with Terrain and Land Cover layers.

    Manage Results Maps

Used to create a new result map and recompute multiple result maps.

    Add Web Imagery

Used to add web imagery services to RAS Mapper.

    Add Layer

Used to add geospatial data (.shp, .tiff, etc.) to RAS Mapper.



Provides access to all RAS Mapper Options.

    Create Calculated Layer

Opens the RASter Calculator to create a calculated layer.

    Create Multiple Maps

Provides a dialog for creating multiple results maps at one time.

    Show Legend

Shows the legend for the Selected Layer.

    Plot Tick Marks

Plots tick marks on Profile Lines.

    Remove Missing Layers

Cleans up the RAS Mapper project by removing references to files that were not found.


    RAS Mapper Help

Opens the RAS Mapper help documentation.


Provides the RAS Mapper version number.