This class is the most generic linkage through a data location it does not enforce that the location store a dss file, but it does support a getDssPath request. This is the data location class used by most plug-ins. DataLocation is not marked as abstract, but there are many classes which extend DataLocation.

DataLocations have a type, the type can be one of the following:

  • Timeseries
  • PairedData
  • Grid
  • File
  • Scalar
  • Location

By default the DataLocation class sets the type to TimeSeries.

DSS F-Part

The DSS F-Part consists of
<Simulation Name>:<Event Name>:<Model>-<Model Alternative>
<Simulation Name> is the first 10 character in the name of the simulation.
<Event Name> is the first 10 characters in the name of the Event.
<Model> is the name of the plug-in.
<Model Alternative> is the name of the Model Alternative.


During an FRA compute the DSS F-Part has an additional part: the collection number.
<collection number>|<Simulation Name>:<Event Name>:<Model>-<Model Alternative>

F-Part Replacement

To ensure that earlier models can feed later models' data through the Simulation's DSS file, F-Part replacement will have to occur during the compute. The plug-in will be told what its output F-Part will be at compute time. The program should then look through its input DSS pathnames for a pathname matching a WAT style linked F-Part pathname and replace the simulation name:event name part of the pathname with the current simulation name:event and replace the DSS file.

Example of F-Part Replacement

If ResSim Model Alternative "FloodOps" is linked to HMS Model Alternative "Base", the DSS F-Part for the ResSim model will be something like: WithoutPro:50Years:HMS-Base. If the same two models are used in a different simulation, the output DSS F-Part passed to ResSim could be UpdatedCon:Jan_2006:ResSim-FloodOps. ResSim takes all its linked DSS input pathnames and changes them from WithoutPro:50Years:HMS-Base too ResSim would take all its linked DSS input pathnames and change them from has to implement the agree on the file format. UpdatedCon:Jan_2006:HMS-Base.