Return to Task 2. Calibrate the Model for Water Years 1983-1992

Last Modified: 2024-06-28 12:51:02.312

This tutorial demonstrates a process to validate an HEC-HMS model for a long term simulation.

Software Version

HEC-HMS version 4.12 was used to create this example. You can open the example project with HEC-HMS v4.12 or a newer version.

HEC-DSSVue version 3.2.3 is used to view and manipulate data within this example.  You can download HEC-DSSVue here:

Allotted Time

This task should take approximately 10 - 15 minutes to complete.


Your goal within this task is to validate the model you developed in the previous task using a different 10 year simulation window. You can continue using the model you previously calibrated or start with the model provided above. 

Run the Validation Window and Compare Results

  1. Create a simulation run named ValidationWindow. Select the TuleRiver_Cal basin model, Livneh meteorologic model, and the ValidationPeriod control specifications. 
    1. Run the simulation. The simulation should take about 45 seconds to complete. 
  2. Look at the simulated and observed SWE results for the MF_TuleR_S20 subbasin. Does the calibrated model perform well during the validation period?
  3. Look at the simulated and observed flow for the ReservoirInflow sink element. Does the calibrated model perform well during the validation period?
  4. Follow the same steps contain in the previous task and compute the monthly average SWE for the MF_TuleR_S20 subbasin and flow for the ReservoirInflow sink element. Add the monthly average results to the ValidMonthlyAverageFlowResults and ValidMonthlyAverageSWEResults tabs in the MonthlyAverageResults_InitialTask4 spreadsheet provided as part of Task4. 
    1. The following figure shows the simulated and observed SWE results for the MF_TuleR_S20 subbasin during the validation simulation.
    2. The following figure shows the simulated and observed flow results for the ReservoirInflow sink during the validation simulation.

Project Files

Download the final project files here:


Continue to Task 4. Perform a Period of Record Simulation for Water Years 1916-2018