C-Part descriptors for each data type

AIR PRESSUREAir (atmospheric) pressure at a location
ALBEDOComputed reflectivity (0-1) of the land and/or snow surface.
AQUIFER RECHARGEComputed amount of water that is lost to deep storage (i.e., 1.0 - GW 1 Fraction - GW 2 Fraction - GW 3 Fraction).
ATIComputed antecedent temperature index for a subbasin element.
AREAComputed area for a reservoir element.
ATI-COLDComputed antecedent temperature index for cold content in the snowmelt method.
ATI-COLDRATEManually entered antecedent temperature index versus coldrate function for a paired data function.
ATI-MELTComputed antecedent temperature index for meltrate in snowmelt.
ATI-MELTRATEManually entered antecedent temperature index versus meltrate function for a paired data function.
COLD CONTENTComputed cold content in snowmelt.
CONDENSATION-SNOW PACKComputed amount of snow gained from the atmosphere through condensation (i.e., from water vapor to ice) for a subbasin element.
CROP COEFFICIENTManually entered time-series of crop coefficient for a time-series gage.
DISTANCE-ELEVATIONManually entered cross section in the paired data manager.
DEPTH-SNOWComputed snow depth for a subbasin element.
ELEVATIONComputed pool elevation for a reservoir element.
ELEVATION-OBSERVEDObserved pool elevation for a reservoir element using the optional observed elevation time-series gage.
ELEVATION-RESIDUALResidual elevation for a reservoir element with observed elevation. The residual is calculated as computed flow minus the observed elevation.
ELEVATION-AREAA manually entered elevation-area function defined in the paired data manager.
ELEVATION-FLOWAn elevation-discharge curve defined in the reservoir element. No longer used in the current program version.
ELEVATION-STORAGEA manually entered elevation-storage function defined in the paired data manager.
ENERGYComputed energy content within a control volume (e.g., snowpack).
ET-CANOPYComputed actual evapotranspiration from the canopy layer in the soil moisture accounting loss method.
ET-POTENTIALPotential evapotranspiration for a subbasin element as computed by the meteorologic model.
ET-SOILComputed actual evapotranspiration from the soil layer in the soil moisture accounting loss method.
ET-SURFACEComputed actual evapotranspiration from the surface depression layer in the soil moisture accounting loss method.
EXCESS-CANOPYComputed incremental precipitation minus canopy interception in the soil moisture accounting loss method.
FLOWFinal computed flow for an element.
FLOW-AUXOutflow from a reservoir through the auxiliary discharge.
FLOW-BASEComputed baseflow for a subbasin element.
FLOW-BASE-1Computed baseflow from GW 1 Layer for a subbasin element.
FLOW-BASE-2Computed baseflow from GW 2 Layer for a subbasin element.
FLOW-BASE-3Computed baseflow from GW 3 Layer for a subbasin element.
FLOW-COMBINEComputed total inflow to an element.
FLOW-DIRECTSurface flow computed by transforming excess precipitation for a subbasin element.
FLOW-DIVERSIONComputed diversion flow for a diversion element.
FLOW-INTotal inflow to a reach element.
FLOW-LOCALLocal flow at a junction when the basin model is set to compute local flow at junctions.
FLOW-LOCAL-SIMComputed local flow without blending for a junction when observed flow is present, blending is used, and the basin model is set to compute local flow at junctions.
FLOW-LOSSAt a reach, the computed channel losses.
FLOW-OBSERVEDObserved flow for an element using the optional observed flow time-series gage.
FLOW-RESIDUALResidual flow for an element with observed flow. The residual is calculated as computed flow minus the observed flow.
FLOW-SIMComputed flow without blending at an element when observed flow is present and blending is used.
FLOW-UNIT GRAPHManually entered unit hydrograph in the paired data manager.
GROUNDMELTManually entered annual groundmelt pattern in the paired data manager.
HEAT DEFICITComputed heat deficit for a subbasin element.
INFILTRATIONComputed infiltration from the surface layer to the soil in the soil moisture accounting loss method. Also, the amount of loss attributed to infiltration in the deficit constant loss method.
LIQUID WATERComputed liquid water in the snowpack in snowmelt.
MELTRATEManually entered annual meltrate pattern in the paired data manager.
MOISTURE DEFICITComputed moisture deficit in the deficit constant and gridded deficit constant loss methods.
OUTFLOW-GWComputed outflow from a groundwater layer to channel baseflow in the soil moisture accounting loss method.
PERC-SOILComputed percolation from the soil layer to the upper groundwater layer in the soil moisture accounting loss method.
PERC-GWComputed percolation from the upper groundwater layer to the lower groundwater layer or from the lower groundwater layer out of the system in the soil moisture accounting loss method.
PERCENT-GRAPHManually entered percentage curve in the paired data manager.
PRECIP-EXCESSAt a subbasin, incremental precipitation minus losses.
PRECIP-EXCESS-CUMAt a subbasin, cumulative precipitation minus cumulative losses.
PRECIP-CUMCumulative precipitation for a time-series gage.
PRECIP-INCIncremental precipitation for a time-series gage or subbasin element.
PRECIP-LOSSAt a subbasin, the incremental precipitation that was converted to loss during loss calculations.
PRECIP-LOSS-CUMAt a subbasin, the cumulative precipitation that was converted to loss during loss calculations.
PRECIP-LWASSThe liquid water available at the soil surface calculated for a subbasin by a snowmelt method.
PRECIP-LWASS-CUMThe cumulative liquid water available at the soil surface calculated for a subbasin by a snowmelt method.
PRECIP-STAND DEVAt a subbasin, the standard deviation of incremental precipitation for each time interval computed using gridded precipitation.
RADIATION-LONGComputed longwave radiation at a location.
RADIATION-SHORTComputed shortwave radiation at a location.
RADIATION TEMPERATUREComputed radiation temperature for a subbasin element (surrogate temperature using air temperature, shortwave, and longwave radiation).
RECOVERED DEFICITComputed recovery of the deficit by evapotranspiration in the deficit constant and gridded deficit constant loss methods.
RELATIVE HUMIDITYRelative humidity at a location.
SATURATION FRACTIONThe percentage of the soil layer that is saturated in the deficit and constant or soil moisture accounting loss methods.
SNOW COVERED AREAThe percentage of a subbasin element that has a non-zero computed SWE depth.
STAGEComputed stage for an element when the optional elevation-discharge curve is used. Also, manually entered time-series of stage for a time-series gage.
STAGE-CHANNELStage computed in the channel at a diversion element.
STAGE-FLOWA manually entered elevation-discharge function defined in the paired data manager.
STAGE-OBSERVEDObserved stage for an element using the optional observed stage time-series gage.
STAGE-RESIDUALResidual stage for an element with observed stage. The residual is calculated as computed flow minus the observed flow.
STAGE-SIMStage at a reach using the modified Puls or Muskingum Cunge routing methods computed using the simulated flow depth.
STAGE-TAILWATERThe computed tailwater stage at a reservoir element.
STAGE-TW-AUXThe computed tailwater stage at the auxiliary discharge from a reservoir element.
STORAGEComputed storage for a reservoir element.
STORAGE-CANOPYComputed storage depth of the canopy layer in the soil moisture accounting loss method.
STORAGE-ELEVATIONA storage-elevation curve defined in the reservoir element. No longer used in the current program version.
STORAGE-FLOWA manually entered storage-discharge function defined in the paired data manager.
STORAGE-GWComputed storage depth of a groundwater layer in the soil moisture accounting loss method.
STORAGE-SOILComputed storage depth of the soil layer in the soil moisture accounting loss method.
STORAGE-SURFACEComputed storage depth of the surface layer in the soil moisture accounting loss method.
SUBLIMATION-SNOW PACKComputed amount of snow lost to the atmosphere through sublimation (i.e., from ice to water vapor) for a subbasin element.
SWEComputed snow water equivalent for a subbasin element.
SWE-OBSERVEDObserved snow water equivalent for a subbasin element using the optional observed SWE time-series gage.
SWE-RESIDUALResidual snow water equivalent for a subbasin element with observed SWE. The residual is calculated as computed flow minus the observed SWE.
TEMPERATUREComputed temperature at a location.
TEMPERATURE-SNOW PACKComputed snow pack temperature at a location.
TEMPERATURE-SURFACEComputed surface temperature at a location.
WINDSPEEDComputed windspeed at a location.