The Time Window Modifier Plugin provides the user ability to modify the simulation time window based on flow, stage, or elevation. The user can modify the time window relative to a threshold, a peak value, or through a script. 

A typical use case for this plugin is to reduce the time window to correspondingly reduce the runtimes for a computationally intensive plugin. Another use case is to expand a time window to allow for hydraulic routing of rainfall.

One or more time window modifier alternatives can be used in a simulation, and each time window modifier alternative must be linked to an output time-series from a model alternative that is above it in the program order of the simulation.

To use the Time Window Modifier Plugin, the user must create a Time Window Modifier Alternative and add the Time Window Modifier Plugin to the program order. In the simulation editor the time window modifier alternative must be selected, and any program lower in the program order must select the time window modifier as their source for the simulation time window.