HEC-RAS Known Issues
HEC-RAS 6.7 Beta
Reported problems with previous versions can be seen by choosing the Versions drop down in the upper right corner of this page.
6.7 Beta Install Package Failure | The initial install package available for download on 01/10/2024 was failing to install properly on systems with old versions installed. A new package which resolves this issue, was uploaded January 13th at 09:30 PST. Please download and install the latest version to resolve. |
HEC-RAS 6.7 Beta
Global Simplified Channel Evolution Model in 1D Sediment is not working | The simplified channel evolution model (used for eroding reservoir sediments for dam removals, dam failures, and flushing) is not working in version 6.6. This will be fixed in the second 6.7 beta. Workaround: You can add the Simplified CEM parameters to the XS Specific data grid for the same result. See the example illustrated here. | RESOLVED |
Sediment Rating Curve Tool Stopped Working | The USGS decommissioned the water quality data that HEC uses for this tool. Users can no longer download data from the USGS. Workaround: We are working this problem, but until we know more, if you can get flow and loads into excel from their new system, you can paste those into the tool. | IN PROGRESS |
2D Perimeter Polygon Disappearing | The polygons for the perimeters of 2D areas are disappearing in unique cases. Symptoms you might notice are that the mesh does not update when adding new points in an edit session, the polygon is not selectable in Mapper, or simulations failing during Writing Geometry stage. Workaround: Keep a perimeter polygon on hand to paste in to the Perimeters layer if the polygon disappears. | IN PROGRESS |
Export Layer → As Line Contours Not Producing Line Contours | For some terrains and tif files, doing Export Layer → As Line Contours is not producing any vector lines. The vector contour algorithm can only handle so many lines at once, if there are too many lines it will fail. Workaround: Use a bigger cell size or a bigger interval when making vector contours. | FUTURE VERSION |
Delete of Current Plan Results data when deleting another Plan | When deleting old Plans (#.p02, for example), model results for the currently open in the interface Plan (#.p01.hdf, for example) will be deleted along with #.p02 (#.p02.hdf will not be deleted). Workaround: Open the plan you wish to delete. Alternative: Create a dummy plan before deleting old plans. You will need to manually delete the associated results files (#.p02.hdf). | IN PROGRESS |
Geometry pre-process error message "Cannot recompute 2D Property Tables - No Terrain is associated with this geometry". | When terrain files are not within the project folder, or in a subfolder of the project folder, users who run the geometry pre-processor will see this error message. Workaround: There are two workarounds. The first work-around is leave RAS Mapper open when doing a simulation. The geometry pre-processor will be able to find the terrain regardless of where it is relative to the project. The second work around is move the terrain files so that they are in or within the project folder. | IN PROGRESS |
Sediment Transport Capacity Calculator | The sediment transport capacity calculator (in the Hydraulic Design editor) computes bad values if some of the cross sections are included in the "Sediment Reach." Workaround: Select all of the cross sections in the Sediment reach. The tool appears to work if all of the cross sections are selected. | IN PROGRESS |
1D elements are not computing infiltration losses when finite volume solution is used | 1D elements are not computing infiltration losses when the finite volume method is selected. This will result in the total precipitation entering the 1D system, not excess precipitation. | FUTURE VERSION |
Unable to Import WPC - QPF data in GRIB2 format | The National Weather Service's Weather Prediction Center provides 2 national gridded precipitation products in GRIB2 format: Quantitative Precipitation Estimates (QPE) and Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts (QPF). Currently, RAS is unable to import the QPF dataset due to its compression type. Workaround: Use HEC-MetVue or HEC-Vortex to convert the QPF data to DSS before use in RAS. | FUTURE VERSION |
Unable to Create Terrains from GeoTIFFs Exported from CAD Application | HEC-RAS geospatial libraries cannot determine the projection data stored in GeoTIFFs exported from a common CAD application. This results in a failure when importing the geotiff to a RAS terrain. | FUTURE VERSION |
GDAL Conflict when Opening RAS Mapper | "Error initializing the GDAL path variables. Please check HEC-RAS installation" error message is displayed when attempting to open RAS Mapper. |
1 RESOLVED - issues are fixed and will be available in the next release.
2 IN PROGRESS - issues are currently being worked on.
3 IMPROVED - the next version includes an incremental improvement but not a total fix.
4 FUTURE VERSION - this requires a structural change or major development. The team will add it to a future version if funding permits.