Now let's import the HEC-HMS model into the HEC-RTS watershed. Depending on what version of HEC-HMS the model was built with, during the import process HEC-HMS may automatically update the HEC-HMS model to the current version. The HEC-HMS model will no longer work with the version the model was created in, so a full back up of the HEC-HMS model is recommended.

Figure 6.6 HEC-RTS Main Window – Watershed Tree - ResSim Alternatives
To import an HEC-HMS model:

  1. From the HEC-RTS main window (Figure 1.1), click the Setup module, from the Models menu (Figure 6.2), point to Import, click HMS. An HEC-HMS Select Project File Browser will open (Figure 6.7). From the browser the user will navigate to where the HEC-HMS model is located, select a .hms file, click *Select, the Select Project File Browser will close (Figure 6.7).

Figure 6.7 HEC-HMS Select Project File Browser

  1. The HEC-HMS import process will begin, when the import of the HEC-HMS model is complete, the user is returned to the HEC-RTS main window (Figure 1.1). From the Watershed Tree (Figure 6.6), from the Models folder, expand HMS, and the list of HEC-HMS runs is displayed.