FY 2022 PROSPECT Course Schedule
Please note that classes currently shown as ‘in person’ may be either canceled or switched to remote delivery if USACE travel restrictions are in effect.
Course #122 "Sediment Transport Analysis with HEC-RAS", was removed from the PROSPECT program, but is available as a workshop through the Hydrologic Engineering Center. If you are interested in
this training please contact Dr. Stanford (Stan) Gibson (stanford.a.gibson@usace.army.mil) of the Hydrologic Engineering Center for details on obtaining this training.
Course #060 "Consequence Estimation with HEC-FIA" was removed from the PROSPECT program, but is available as a workshop through the Hydrologic Engineering Center. If you are interested in this
training, please contact Lea Adams (Lea.G.Adams@usace.army.mil) of the Hydrologic Engineering Center for details on obtaining this training.
Classes are canceled by ULC if minimum enrollment requirements are not met 90 days prior to the start date.
Course descriptions for existing courses are provided in the "Purple Book" for USACE offices. A short description of each class is provided on the Course List page. Space
may be available for each class. Contact the appropriate section in your office; or the USACE Learning Center (ULC); or HEC at (530) 756-1104 for more