US Army Corps of Engineers
Hydrologic Engineering Center

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Course List and Descriptions

Advanced 1D/2D Modeling with HEC-RAS This is an advanced course in applying computer program HEC-RAS. The course provides participants with the knowledge to effectively use computer program HEC-RAS to analyze difficult hydraulic conditions in natural and constructed channels, utilizing one-dimensional and two-dimensional modeling techniques.

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ADVANCED APPLICATIONS OF HEC-HMS This course provides instruction on advanced applications of the Corps' Hydrologic Modeling System, HEC-HMS. Emphasis is placed on capabilities not covered in the Basic HEC-HMS class and capabilities not contained in the predecessor HEC-1 software. The new hydrologic simulation techniques covered include: continuous simulation and spatially distributed, gridded runoff calculations. The basis for these new techniques will be provided and reinforced with practical hands-on workshops. This course requires previous attendance in the Hydrologic Modeling with HEC-HMS, or equivalent experience.

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CONSEQUENCE ESTIMATION WITH HEC-FIA This course is intended to teach users how to use the HEC-FIA tool to do many different types of analysis including; agriculture damages due to flooding, calculation population at risk and life loss associated with flooding, and economic consequences associated with flooding.

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FLOOD FREQUENCY ANALYSIS This course gives the participants a basic understanding of the correct application of the Bulletin 17B guidelines on the computation of flood flow frequencies. The Flood Flow Frequency Analysis Computer Program, HEC-SSP, is used during the course.

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H&H FOR DAM SAFETY STUDIES The objective of the course is to enable the participants to perform hydrologic analyses in support of Dam safety studies. Topics will include: Current Corps of Engineers Guidance; development of probable maximum precipitation (PMP); hydrologic modeling for the development of the PMF (Probable Maximum Flood); analysis of extreme events; dam breaching analysis; unsteady flow routing; hydrologic versus hydraulic routing; flood inundation mapping; and flood warning and preparedness. Participants will have an opportunity to prepare input and analyze output during workshops.

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HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS FOR ECOSYSTEM RESTORATION This course will provide participants with an understanding of the role of hydrologic engineering in ecosystem restoration and mitigation studies. It also equips the participants with the tools for the various hydrologic engineering analyses necessary in planning and design of these features.

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HYDROLOGIC MODELING WITH HEC-HMS This class serves as an introduction to hydrologic modeling and covers topics of precipitation, infiltration, surface runoff, channel routing, and parameter estimation. Knowledge gained in lectures is applied by using HEC-HMS to simulate these processes within the context of the watershed. Each segment of the class is part of a hypothetical case study where students learn the basic steps in preparing hydrology models, evaluating urbanization impacts, estimating resulting changes to the frequency curve, and examining reservoir impacts.

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INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMIC RISK ASSESSMENT FOR FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT STUDIES An introduction to risk analysis for flood damage reduction projects is provided. Participants will understand the methodologies for determining uncertainty in discharge, stage, and damage and how to evaluate project size and performance accounting for the uncertainty in these parameters.

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REAL-TIME WATER MANAGEMENT WITH CWMS This course will provide water managers the training necessary to effectively use hydrologic and hydraulic modeling software in the Corps Water Management System (CWMS) for real-time operations. CWMS is the automated information system (AIS) supporting the Corps' water control operations mission. CWMS provides data collection, processing, decision support modeling, data dissemination, and graphics tools to allow each local office to effectively execute their water management mission in real-time. The students will also learn advanced features of CWMS, including calibration and execution of model programs in support of the decisions made in the course of Corps project operations.

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RESERVOIR SYSTEM ANALYSIS WITH HEC-ResSim Instructs the participant on how to conduct reservoir system studies using computer simulation to analyze reservoir system performance. Simulation for flood control, water supply, hydropower and multipurpose operation with the Reservoir Simulation tool HEC-ResSim is covered.

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RISK ANALYSIS-WRP&M This course introduces concepts and tools of risk analysis into Corps of Engineers planning studies and extends these concepts to studies for structural rehabilitation and for management and operations of existing projects. Risk analysis is a decision-making framework that explicitly evaluates the level of risk if no action is taken and recognizes the monetary and non-monetary costs and benefits of reducing risks when making decisions. Risk analysis also deals with uncertainties in models, parameters, and assumptions and acknowledges them in decision making. Risk analysis comprises three tasks: risk assessment, risk management, and risk communication.

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SEDIMENT TRANSPORT ANALYSIS WITH HEC-RAS HEC-RAS includes sediment transport capabilities. Rivers are dynamic systems that sometimes change their shape and cross sections area. If deposition or erosion will impact flood risk, ecosystem function, or project performance, mobile bed modeling may be required. This class introduces river mechanics, sediment transport, and geomorphic principles and helps students understand and process sediment data. Then this class walks students through the process of adding sediment data to HEC-RAS and running a mobile-bed model where the cross sections move dynamically - during the simulation - in response to deposition and erosion. The class includes modules on calibration and troubleshooting and can include workshops on reservoir sedimentation and sustainability modeling, dam removal, cohesive transport, dredging, bank migration modeling, and other sediment modeling topics.

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STATISTICAL METHODS IN HYDROLOGY The participant will become knowledgeable in the application of statistical methods that are useful in the analysis of flood damage reduction, environmental, and water supply systems. Advanced theory of frequency analysis, distribution fitting and testing, univariate and multivariate regression analysis, and regional analysis for both low-flow and flood statistics are presented.

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STEADY FLOW WITH HEC-RAS This course teaches the concepts of open channel flow. It covers: data requirements, HEC-RAS input requirements, application of bridge and culvert routines, channel modification analysis, floodway determination, and output analysis. The River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) software will be included in lectures and workshops.

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UNSTEADY FLOW ANALYSIS WITH HEC-RAS This course focuses on the use of the computer program HEC-RAS (River Analysis System) for the analysis of one-dimensional gradually varied unsteady open channel flow. The role and application of this model in Corps' flood studies is presented in lectures, workshops, and examples.

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WATER DATA MANAGEMENT WITH HEC-DSSVue Detailed instructions are provided to develop, manage, analyze, and display engineering data in the HEC Data Storage System (HEC-DSS) using HEC-DSSVue and associated programs. The procedures and programs provide a convenient system to support a variety of applications including hydrology, water quality, and flood damage analysis. The system is designed for handling both historic and real-time data.

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WATER AND THE WATERSHED This course provides participants with an understanding of the physical nature of the water of the watershed and the conceptual, technical and institutional tools available for planning and management. Watershed planning and management requires assessment of the existing system and evaluation of potential alternatives. Conceptual tools include: accessing data and information; methods and models available to simulate watershed processes; GIS and data management tools for analysis and presentations.

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WATER QUALITY MODELING WITH HEC-RAS This course is intended to prepare engineers to perform water temperature and water quality studies using HEC-RAS. Topics to be discussed include: conservative tracers with steady flow and unsteady flow hydraulic computations, water temperature modeling and the effects of riparian shading, Dissolved Oxygen and BOD, and nutrient cycle modeling.

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WATER RESOURCE ANALYSIS USING HEC-WAT Use Watershed Analysis Tool (HEC-WAT) to coordinate and synthesize the work of engineering and economic specialists. The HEC-WAT software is a tool that streamlines the analytical and reporting processes of software commonly used by the multi-disciplinary teams in Corps offices for water resources studies, and integrates hydrologic analyses, hydraulic modeling, reservoir system simulation, and flow consequence evaluation.

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