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Hydrology & Hydraulics for Dam Safety (2022)
The objective of the course is for participants to perform hydrologic and hydraulic modeling in support of Dam Safety studies. Course participants will be required to run HEC-HMS, HEC-SSP, and HEC-RAS. Topics presented will include: Development of Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP); Hydrologic Modeling for PMP/PMF Events; Hydrologic Loading; Flow Frequency; HEC-RAS Model Geometry Development, Developing Dam Breach Parameters; Dam Breaching Analysis using HEC-RAS; Unsteady Flow Modeling with HEC-RAS; and Using RAS-Mapper for Inundation Mapping. Each participant will have the opportunity to prepare model input and analyze model output during course workshops. This page covers the first part of the course on Hydrology and Statistics.
Links are provided to the workshop pages located in the HEC-HMS Tutorials and Guides space. All workshop files can be downloaded from the workshops pages as well. Finally, all PowerPoint files are included below and can be downloaded for reference. You will need HEC-HMS version 4.10 and HEC-SSP v2.3 Beta 3 or newer to open the workshop files. You can download the software from (HEC-HMS) and (HEC-SSP).
An archived copy of all the workshop instructions (Workshops) and presentation files (Presentation) can be downloaded from here: Course
Lectures and Workshops | Workshop Links | PowerPoint Files |
Lecture 0: OVERVIEW OF H&H FOR DAM SAFETY This lecture provides an overview of the process for performing the Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Mapping studies for a dam safety study. A discussion of Hydrologic Loading for Risk Assessment is included. | ||
Lecture 1: DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROBABLE MAXIMUM PRECIPITATION Procedures for development of the probable maximum precipitation for the various regions of the United States are described | ||
Workshop 1: DEVELOPMENT OF PMP This workshop will demonstrate how to develop a PMP event for the eastern half of the U.S. using HMR51 and HMR52. | ||
Lecture 2: HYDROLOGIC MODELING FOR PMP/PMF EVENTS Discussion of modeling rainfall, infiltration, runoff transform, and baseflow methods focused towards PMF level events. Overview of reservoir routing options within HEC-HMS | ||
Workshop 2: ESTIMATING THE PMF WITH NO EXISTING MODEL This workshop illustrates a method for developing the IDF given existing information in a reservoir regulation manual and historic flows at a USGS gage. | ||
Workshop 3: ESTIMATING THE PMF WITH AN EXISTING MODEL This workshop provides an example for developing the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) using an existing HEC-HMS model. | ||
Lecture 3: PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD ROUTING Discussion of initial reservoir conditions and assumptions/tools for routing the PMF hydrograph through a reservoir model to compute reservoir stage. | ||
Workshop 4: PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD ROUTING Workshop for application of HEC-HMS to route the PMF hydrograph through the reservoir element. Description for setting the initial reservoir storage/elevation, configuring the reservoir elements, and determining peak stage are included | ||
Lecture 4: HYDROLOGIC LOADING Role of hydrologic loading in the dam safety risk assessment process; development of hydrologic hazard curves; tools for hazard curve development. | ||
Lecture 5: FLOW FREQUENCY FOR DAM SAFETY STUDIES This lecture describes how flow- and volume-frequency curves are developed and used within dam safety studies. Detailed discussions of data acquisition, data modification, Bulletin 17C procedures, and results interpretation are included. | ||
Workshop 5: FLOW FREQUENCY FOR DAM SAFETY STUDIES This workshop demonstrates how HEC-SSP can be used to perform typical flow- and volume-frequency analyses for use within dam safety studies. |