HEC-ResSim has been developed for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). However, software developed at the Hydrologic Engineering Center is made available to the public whenever appropriate. Use is not restricted and individuals outside of the Corps of Engineers may use the program without charge. Downloading this software indicates full acceptance of your responsibility in the use of this program. Please see the distribution policy for more details.
Also note that CEIWR-HEC is unable to provide phone or email technical support to non-USACE customers. However, CEIWR-HEC does encourage anyone who finds an issue with the HEC-ResSim software to please report that issue through the HEC-ResSim Bug Report page. Please review CEIWR-HEC's Support Policy for further details.
The portable setup package includes HEC-ResSim 3.5, Documentation, and Example Watersheds. Note, the Windows Setup package is not yet available.
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 10 64-bit only