US Army Corps of Engineers
Hydrologic Engineering Center

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Sustainable Rivers


Do the changes in water management and infrastructure operations that SRP helps support require water control manual updates?

No, not necessarily. Many changes that generate environmental benefits are implementable within current operational flexibilities. Even subtle changes affecting the timing, pattern, or quality of reservoir outflows and pool levels can produce substantial environmental benefits. In fact, most reoperations supported by SRP fit this category – changes within the existing authorities and operational flexibilities of already built infrastructure.

Changes that may conflict with other operating purposes can be investigated via benefit analyses to better understand tradeoffs. Benefit analyses are typically done using suites of computer models to simulate management alternatives. Alternatives can also be tested by adjusting operations through “deviations”. A deviation is a temporary change from existing to alternative operations as specified through the formal vetting process required for any deviation. Compelling alternatives can be incorporated into operational guidance through water control manual updates.

Changes such as adding authorized purposes are a legislative matter.