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HMS Quarterly Webinar

Tom Brauer, Lauren Coe, Mike Bartles


HMS Quarterly Webinar

David Ho, Greg Karlovits, Natasha Sokolovskya, Daniel Black


HMS Quarterly Webinar

Terrain Data Importer and New Vortex Features in v4.13

Daniel Black, Tom Brauer, Avital Breverman, Nick Van


HMS Quarterly Webinar

New Meteorologic Model Methods in v4.11 and 4.12

Mike Bartles, Lauren Coe, Melissa Mika


HMS Quarterly Webinar

Post-fire Flooding and Debris Flow Modeling Capabilities

Jay Pak, Daniel Black, David Ho


HMS Quarterly Webinar

Stochastic Storm TranspositionGreg Karlovits


HMS Quarterly WebinarHEC-HMS v4.11 Highlights

Tom Brauer, Josh Willis, Matt Fleming, Mike Bartles


Philippines DPWH

Hydrologic Modeling with HEC-HMS, Sediment and Reservoir Siltation

Tom Brauer (HEC), Mike Bartles (HEC), and Jay Pak (HEC)


HMS Quarterly WebinarSnowmelt Modeling Enhancements

Natasha Sokolovskya, Mike Bartles, and Avital Breverman

14 December  2022Water Management User Group

HEC-HMS Terrain Data Management

Alex Davis and Matt Fleming (HEC)


HMS Quarterly Webinar

Meteorologic Model Restructure

Tom Brauer, David Ho, Mike Bartles, and Daniel Black

18 October 2022HH&C CoP Monthly Webinar Series

Gridded Storm Transposition in HEC-HMS

Tom Brauer (HEC), Lauren Coe (SPL), Greg Karlovits (HEC), Matthew Lepinski (SWF), and Josh Willis (HEC)

15 September 2022HEC-HMS Modelers

Post-wildfire Modeling Application using HEC-HMS

Jonathan AuBuchon and Jose Paredez


HMS Quarterly WebinarReservoir Sedimentation

Jay Pak and Nathan Chrisman

29 August 2022

USACE Technical Innovation Forum

Innovative Flood Hazard Information Utilizing Multiple Lines of Evidence to Improve Flood Hazard Awareness and Resiliency

Landon Erickson (Ft. Worth District)

28 July 2022Natural Resources Conservation Service 

Demonstration of HEC-HMS 

David Ho and Matt Fleming


HMS Quarterly WebinarModel Optimization

Greg Karlovits and Matt Fleming

24 March 2022CWMS Modelers

Recent HEC-HMS Forecasting Features

Mike Bartles and Simon Evans

9 March 2022Natural Resources Conservation Service 

Introduction to HEC-HMS and Recent New Features

Matt Fleming


HMS Quarterly WebinarGridded Data Tools, File Referencing, Element Rename, and Runtime Tracking
Mike Bartles, Nick Van, Daniel Black, Natasha Sokolovskya, David Ho

19 January 2022National Flood Risk Management ProgramHEC-HMS Sediment and Debris Flow Capabilities
Jay Pak


HMS Quarterly WebinarHypothetical Storm Modeling Enhancements

Greg Karlovits and Josh Willis

09 November 2021WMIST Forecasting Software Enhancements PDT

New HEC-HMS v4.9 Forecasting Enhancements

Mike Bartles, Tom Brauer, and Josh Willis

08 November 2021HEC-HMS ModelersNew and Future HEC-HMS Features

Matt Fleming, Mike Bartles, and Tom Brauer

14 October 2021MVD HS&R SubCoPImporting and using Gridded Precipitation Boundary Condition Data; Correcting Gridded Precipitation using the new Normalizer Utility
Garrett Blomstrand and Brett Hultgren


HMS Quarterly Webinar2D Flow & 2D Sediment

Mike Bartles, Jay Pak, and Nick Van

29 July 2021HEC-HMS ModelersNew Capabilities in HEC-HMS V4.9
Mike Bartles, Tom Brauer, and Martin Jacobs

15 June 2021HH&C CoP - Part of the Monthly Webinar SeriesHEC's migration to the continuous integration / continuous deployment software development work flow, with emphasis on the HEC-HMS team's journey to improving the software development process, plus an overview of new capabilities in HEC software
Chris Dunn and Tom Brauer


HMS Quarterly WebinarGIS Features and Subbasin/Reach Characteristics

Josh Willis and Tom Brauer

20 May 2021MVD HS&R SubCoPPrecipitation in HEC-HMS (observations and hypothetical)
Ann Banitt and Greg Karlovits


HMS Quarterly WebinarNew Training Materials, Discretizations, and Spatial Results

Tom Brauer and Matt Fleming

28 January 2021CWMS ModelersNew HEC-HMS Forecasting Features
Mike Bartles

17 September 2020MVD HS&R SubCoPHEC-HMS Model Calibration
Tom Bauer and Emily Moe

11 August 2020 USACE DistrictsNew Feature Demonstration 
Tom Brauer, Mike Bartles, Greg Karlovits, and Matt Fleming

2 October 2019HEC-HMS ModelersModeling with HEC-HMS Demonstration
Tom Brauer, Mike Bartles, Krey Price, and Steven Joynes