US Army Corps of Engineers
Hydrologic Engineering Center

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Water Quality

Water Quality Modules

Several water quality modules were developed to support a variety of H&H models and enhance their capabilities in terms of performing water quality analysis. The water quality modules include the water temperature simulation module, general constituent simulation module (GCSM), and nutrient simulation module (NSMI). NSMI simulates aquatic algae, nutrient cycles, DO, CBOD with simplified processes and minimum state variables. These modules have been integrated with HEC-ResSim and HEC-RAS.

NSMI has an option for computing dynamic sediment oxygen demand and sediment releases of nutrients using a sediment diagenesis module. The sediment diagenesis module is a separate component that is dynamically coupled with NSMI. This module has been integrated only with HEC-RAS.

Water Temperature Simulation Module:

Nutrient Simulation Module I (NSMI):


Dr. Todd Steissberg
Phone: 530-219-7990

Last Updated: Sep 19, 2024