Ball Mountain Lake - Ball Mountain Lake on the West River is part of a network of flood risk management reservoirs in the Connecticut River Basin and is also used for recreation (USACE photo).
Otter Brook Dam - Otter Brook Dam, near Keene, New Hampshire, is part of a network of flood risk management dams on tributaries of the Connecticut River. Otter Brook and Surry Mountain Dams are operated in conjunction to manage flood risk for the city of Keene and downstream areas along the Ashuelot River and the Connecticut River mainstem (USACE photo).
Barre Falls Dam - Fishing spot on the Ware River downstream of Barre Falls Dam. Barre Falls Dam is located near Hubbardston, Barre, Rutland and Oakham, Massachusetts, and is a part of a network of flood risk management projects on tributaries of the Connecticut River (USACE photo).
Surry Mountain Dam - Built in 1941, Surry Mountain Dam is the oldest U.S. Army Corps of Engineers flood risk management dam in the Upper Connecticut River Basin (USACE photo).
Ball Mountain Lake - Ball Mountain Lake is located on the West River, a tributary to the Connecticut River, and is operated as part of a network of flood risk management reservoirs in the Upper Connecticut River Basin. With a length of 915 feet and a height of 265 feet, Ball Mountain is one of the largest earthen dams in New England (USACE photo).
Defining Environmental Flows - Scientists, water managers, engineers, and planners work to define flow targets for ecological resources of the Connecticut River (photo by John Hickey, USACE).