Twelve Pole Creek, West Virginia - Balancing existing purposes and environmental flows
East Lynn Dam and Reservoir is located on the East Fork of Twelve Pole Creek in Wayne County, West Virginia. With the East and West Forks of Twelve Pole Creek listed as impaired for biological criteria, an evaluation of operational and environmental flows can determine whether operational changes can improve how to best serve project purposes and improve biological criteria.
An environmental flows study was completed in 2013 to determine the effectiveness of a pulse flow on the tailwaters of East Lynn Lake. The goal was to explore a more natural operation of East Lynn Dam that balanced benefits achieved through environmental flows with existing authorized project purposes.
East Lynn Lake - Many improvements have been made in the operation of East Lynn Reservoir although several opportunities still exist, including management of outflow patterns and temperatures (USACE photo).
East Lynn Lake - East Lynn Dam and Reservoir is located on the East Fork of Twelve Pole Creek, West Virginia. With the East and West Forks of Twelve Pole Creek listed as impaired for biological criteria, an evaluation of environmental flows can determine how operational changes can best serve project purposes and improve biological criteria (USACE photo).
East Lynn Dam and Lake, West Virginia - The East and West Forks of Twelve Pole Creek, as well as Twelve Pole Creek are listed as impaired for biological criteria. Downstream tributaries Lynn Creek and Camp Creek are also listed as biologically impaired throughout their entire reaches (USACE photo).
East Fork Twelve Pole Creek - A reach of the East Fork Twelve Pole Creek below East Lynn Dam and Lake (USACE photo).
Monitoring Stations below East Lynn Dam - In support of environmental flow releases, stream conditions were monitored at several locations below the dam. Results showed significant substrate cleansing and fluctuations in water temperature, which illustrate the potential use of outflows to achieve downstream ecological purposes (USACE photo).
East Lynn Lake is a reservoir located on the East Fork of Twelve Pole Creek in Wayne County, West Virginia. Reservoir operations began in 1971 for the purposes of flood control, recreation, fish and wildlife conservation, low flow augmentation, and water quality. The dam is equipped with a selective withdrawal intake system that allows for water withdrawal from any combination of high-level intakes and bottom sluice gates. Therefore, it is possible, depending on flow conditions, to regulate both quality and quantity of water passing through the dam. Read More
- US Army Corps of Engineers Huntsville District
- US Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center
- West Virginia Department of Natural Resources