Francis E. Walter Dam and Reservoir - The F.E. Walter Dam was constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on the Lehigh River in 1961 and has prevented more than $222 million in flood damages. It also supports downstream recreation on the Lehigh River with planned fishing and whitewater rafting water releases (USACE photo).
Beltzville Dam and Reservoir - Beltzville Lake was constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1972 and has prevented more than $36 million in flood damages. The project is located on Pohopoco Creek, a tributary of the Lehigh River, and is multi-purpose, providing flood control, water supply, and recreational capabilities (USACE photo).
Lehigh River - Lehigh River upstream of F.E. Walter Dam and Reservoir (USACE photo).
Lehigh River - A reach of the Lehigh River in the Lehigh Gorge Pennsylvania State Park downstream of Francis E. Walter Dam and Reservoir (USACE photo).
Iron Precipitate below Francis E. Walter Dam - Anoxic conditions deep in the reservoir during drought operations resulted in iron precipitate for many miles below the dam. Populations of aquatic insects were affected, which underscores the importance of understanding flow-ecology relationships when operating reservoirs (USACE photo).
Lehigh River Water Quality - Water quality sampling locations on the Lehigh River mainstem, tributaries, and Corps reservoirs. Data collected supported operations, as well as a comprehensive water quality study and model.
Water Quality Monitoring in the Lehigh River - A USACE Philadelphia District Ecologist installing water quality monitoring equipment in the Lehigh River (USACE photo).
Lehigh River and Francis E. Walter Dam - Consideration of alternative operations at Francis E. Walter Dam and Reservoir includes water quality, flood risk management, recreation, fish and wildlife habitat, and other project concerns (USACE photo).